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Olje- og energiminister Terje Søviknes intervjuer Øglænd Systems fabrikkdirektør Martin Mildestveit

Minister of Petroleum and Energy visits Oglaend System

In connection with the Offshore Strategy Conference in Stavanger, the Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Terje Søviknes, has been on visits to several local suppliers to the oil and gas industry.

During his visit at Oglaend System headquarters he was presented the plans for industry adaptions, new technology and how we are ensuring competitiveness in a challenging market.

In the Norwegian factory, Oglaend System is focusing on gaining more automation and improving both productivity and efficiency. On a tour of the factory, the Minister of Petroleum and Energy was shown how Oglaend System is trying to achieve these improvements through various new investments.

“It is exciting to visit a company that delivers something that’s relevant for so many industries, and have found their niche, and compete internationally. They manage to deliver products that hold a high standard. Not the least, they manage to make lightweight cable supports, which ensure that they win the installations where they require reduced weight of cable supports,” Terje Søviknes explained in his Facebook video

Oglaend System has invested in a new cutting machine for Mekano®
triangular channels in the Norwegian factory.